December 19, 2012

Professional Writer's Resume

Have you ever wanted to earn a special writing assignment?  If so, you may need to provide a writer’s resume.  Here’s a simple example that you may want to use or modify to suit your own needs:   

Contact information:  At the top of your first page, center your name, street address, city and state, phone, email.

Add the next sections in bold type, flushed left.

Summary:  The summary is an overview of what you have accomplished as a writer.  In a single paragraph, describe your writing experience and any other experience related to writing.   

Education:  List your degree, college attended, and year of graduation. 

Professional organizations:  List your memberships.

Experience:  List your job titles and the dates you’ve worked at each job.  The list goes from present to past.

Publications:  First, give a general summary of the kinds of pieces you’ve published.  For instance, it could look like:

educational articles for children
parenting and writer’s articles
elementary education lesson plans
fiction for children’s magazines 

Then add a sub-heading by listing the specific places where your work has been published.  These may include books, newspapers, websites, or magazines. 

There are many different ways to format a resume.  You can use my example or check online to see what works best for you.  Creating a professional resume is always good to have on hand.  You'll never know when it may be needed to earn a coveted writing assignment.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good guide and this format should be followed. It is also good to seek some assistance from professional resume writing Calgary so you will have an edge especially if you are competing with other talented individuals.