Every day life inspires me. The occurrence does not have to be an extraordinary moment. Often times my most inspiring moments have come when I was not concentrating on my writing. From watching my children play with their friends when they were younger to listening in on conversations at the local coffee shop. I always keep a little note pad and pen in my purse for these unexpected moments.
Several times inspiration has struck me when I’ve been
driving and I keep a handheld recording device on hand for these moments. This
way I’m sure to remember a thought because before I know it my thoughts are
elsewhere or the current conversation has taken me someplace else.
As for my two latest books, Powder Monkey and Hockey
Agony, the inspiration of the storyline of Powder Monkey came from a call for submissions on the historical fiction
topic of the late 1700’s pertaining to the Royal Navy. Always fascinated by
history, I jumped at the chance to create a manuscript worthy of submission.
Through research I came across information of the Press Gangs the Royal Navy
utilized to kidnap boys as young as eleven to work on ships. The conditions
were deplorable and the determination of survival by so many inspired me to
stay true to the historical events. Even though my initial submission was rejected by the
publishing house putting out the request I did not give up. I eventually
submitted to Guardian Angel Publishing and after several rounds of edits GAP
accepted Powder Monkey!
The inspiration of Hockey
Agony came from everyday life. Coming from a family of sports lovers I
often find myself watching my daughters, nieces, and nephews competing in one
sport or another. Unfortunately, over the years, bad sportsmanship is often
found within the spectators, players, and coaches…sometimes even encouraging
the players to cheat and to inflict personal injury to their opponents. And as
many of us had read, some of these horrific occurrences make the local and
national news. It’s our duty as adults to maintain a calm disposition at
sporting events and to encourage competitive clean playing. For without honesty
and integrity what will our children have in store for themselves when they
enter adulthood?
For me inspiration is just a thought away or an article in the
newspaper. Inspiration comes for me at the most unexpected times; and, I latch on
to each and every thought making notes to hopefully use at a later time.
I’d enjoyed hearing about what inspires you! So please
comment and tell me about your moments. Thank you and here’s to your inspiration!