September 30, 2024

looking for signs in the Universe, Sara Wiseman


I look for signs from the Universe to give me guidance and assurance—whether it's words, an animal, songs, or Nature.

For instance, whenever I watch the tennis grand slams on television, the camera usually pans to the well-known quote at the US Open: "Pressure is a privilege" and the one at the French Open:  "Victory belongs to the most tenacious."  These words inspire me to persevere with writing. 

Or, take the time I saw Elton John perform in Lexington, Kentucky.  When he sang "I'm Still Standing," the song reminded me to stay strong and keep submitting even when my manuscripts are rejected.  

Sara Wiseman, published author and a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition invites us to be open to all kinds of signs, especially those from Nature.  She says, "We are used to thinking about signs and synchronicities in the old way—that we will receive a message in language or symbol, such as a street sign, or a sentence in a book, or an email that comes at the exact right moment.  Often, the Universe sends us beautiful messages using Nature.  We come across something unexpected and beautiful and the answer to our question become clear.  We experience something unexpected and surprising, and we are jolted into clarity. 

On that note, I once received an unusual and unexpected sign.  After submitting a query, I glanced down and noticed an oak leaf at my foot.  On the carpet under my desk.  Oak leaves symbolize strength and endurance.  

And one evening after ballet class, I spotted a vibrant rainbow.  It spanned the entire sky.  Rainbows symbolize good luck, happiness, health, hope, and optimism. 

Then, the other day a honey bee playfully buzzed around my grocery cart and darted inside my car.  (A week later while I was vacationing in Alaska, a honey bee rode on the windshield of our rental car.)  I've read that a bee appears as a spirit animal when dealing with a heavy burden.  The bee supports us in accomplishing the most difficult challenges and encourages us to be open to the infinite possibilities of the universe.  For me, the bee reminds me to listen to my intuition and my instincts when facing the difficult task of querying agents. 

And recently I read a post on Twitter/X written by an agent who tried to revive a dehydrated dragonfly.  A few hours later, a dragonfly hovered over my car.  Dragonflies represent change, moving out of our comfort zones, honoring our emotions, and reminds us to let our own light shine forward.

I don't force myself to be on the lookout for signs.  They find me.  Then it's up to me to understand why this sign has appeared and ask why it has appeared now.  I have to interpret the sign and apply it to my circumstances.  Signs don't come to me every day.  They appear when the Universe feels I need them the most.

So, I encourage you to keep an open mind.  The Universe is trying to reach you.  To teach you.  Recognize signs that may come your way, especially through Nature.  Wiseman says,  "If you are not sure how Nature is talking to you, why not take today, and simply ask for a sign?  And then, see what Nature brings you." 

 À la prochaine!
Messages from the Divine by Sara Wiseman