March 1, 2016

The Five Senses on a February Day

I like to walk for about an hour around my neighborhood even when it's freezing.  Only snow and rain keep me inside. So bundled with layers of clothing, plus gloves, ear muffs and a scarf up to my chin, I brave the cold.  

Here are the five senses on a brisk February day before I sit down to write.

I Hear:  
blue jays screeching 
fire engine siren screaming 
train whistle wailing 
dogs barking, snarling, and growling 
wind chimes tinkling

I Smell:  
smoke from a fireplace
the flowery scent of laundry being dried
dry cold air
damp oak leaves 

I Feel: 
a breeze sailing through my hair
wind striking my face
cold cutting through my jeans
fur-lined gloves warming my hands

I See:  
10 American flags, 8 Christmas decorations, and 6 University of Kentucky Wildcat flags
the sun peeking through thick grey clouds
a discarded beige leather sofa by the street curb
wine-colored buds trying to push out on oak trees
a cluster of emerald-green hyacinth leaves waiting for spring 

I Taste
nothing yet until dinner (pan-fried pancetta tossed with brocolini served over pasta)

Coming March 15th:  To be or not to be snappy. How witty should a query letter be? 

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