I am meeting new fans of Maggie and the Summer Vacation Show-and-Tell by doing school visits. The young kids are great listeners and they ask thoughtful questions.
Doing school visits is new for me, but with each visit, I learn more and more how to make it go smoothly.
Kids and teachers LOVE authors. Here are a few tips:
- Google the directions to the school if you've never been there before.
- Bring something to drink and ChapStick (you'll be doing a
lot of talking)
- Show up a little early to use the bathroom or to go
over your notes.
- Sign in at office.
- Have a time schedule printed so you know where you're
going throughout the morning.
- Wear a watch to check the time (it's less distracting
than checking your phone).
- Silence your phone.
- Bring extra books and a pen for signing them.
- Wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Often times
school are warm, so wear layers.
- Read slowly and with expression.
- If a class is rowdy, continue with your program. Pause to get their attention or read
louder so they can hear you.
- Ask the students questions before you read the book. This
will get them engaged.
- After the book is read, tell the students about the
theme of the book, or the points you would like them to takeaway.
- Have a hands-on activity or a game to play afterward.
Young kids like guessing games. Older kids like word scramble puzzles or
crossword puzzles.
- Hand out signed books and tell the students you can
bring more if they would like to buy a copy.
- Stick around and get your picture taken with the
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