You’ve written a great book. Let’s suppose an editor likes it so much that
she wants to publish it. What’s next
after signing the contract? You’ll need
to market your book. Say what? Isn’t that what the publishing house is
supposed to do? Yes, to some
degree. Each publishing house has their
own marketing strategy, but the author is expected to do marketing as
well. This task can be daunting; therefore,
you may want to consider hiring a publicist.
Publicists can help you create your platform before your
title is released to help you get noticed.
Successful launching of a book requires pre-promotion. This may take up to a year before your title
is released.
Gail Kearns, President, Project Editor, and Production Coordinator of To Press and Beyond says, "Promoting a book takes a lot of time and
dedication, not to mention perseverance. As a book publicist, one of the first
initiatives I like to tackle is the Big Idea, or how to position the book to get
optimum results in garnering reviews, interviews, and
"Another responsibility of the book publicist is to create marketing materials, such as press releases, author bios, questions for media, and talking points," says Kearns. "I don't suggest authors do this themselves, even if they think they can. Writing press materials is far different from writing a book. Veteran publicists have a lot of experience in crafting marketing materials that are more likely to bring results, whether it be a pitch to a radio host or to the event coordinator at a bookstore."
Kearns believes that bloggers are the new reviewers. She says that publicists are blog researchers and they have databases of media contacts and bloggers. Publicists worth their salt have established relationships with many of them. "Hiring a publicist saves the author hours and hours of time building a list of media and bloggers, making contact, pitching, and following up. Hiring a publicist lends credibility to an author's promotional efforts," says Kearns.
Publicists can provide branding, trade and niche marketing, press kit development, and website development. More, publicists step in to navigate the complex world of
social media and present you with smart opportunities to help get the word out about your book.
For more information check out: To Press & Beyond is a full-service book shepherding agency. For more information on their services, visit or email
For more information check out: To Press & Beyond is a full-service book shepherding agency. For more information on their services, visit or email