March 15, 2016

To Be, or Not To Be Snappy

Many publishers and literary agents agree that queries should be professional.  That means the letter needs to be straightforward without any outward attention-grabbing devises. 

There are however, some writers who believe that a witty query will help them stand out from the slush pile. Some writers like to send a query written in the voice of the main character.  I wouldn't recommend this tactic.  It is usually frowned upon by agents.  

Other writers have met agents at conferences, and they feel confident enough to approach them with a snappy synopsis or bio.  Again, there is no guarantee that a writer will snag an agent this way.  

Literary agent Mary Kole says, “The point is, some agents will always prefer a straightforward, businesslike query.  Others will tolerate some cuteness or gimmick. You don't know who's who until you try it, though, even even then, most people won't tell you if that was part of the decision to pass."

I personally wouldn’t try a gimmicky query, but that’s just me talking.  I’d be afraid my clever query might backfire.  Even if my story is titled “The Bright and Brainy Pony ," I’d be scared to label myself as a bright and brainy writer in my bio.  Though it’s clever and plays on the title, it’s risky.  And…I’m not a risk-taker. 

So, how will you write your query?  Will it be snappy or strickly professional?  In the end it comes down to your gut feeling.  To paraphrase a quote from the movie Dirty Harry:  “You’ve gotta ask yourself one question: “Do I feel lucky?  Well, do ya?”

March 1, 2016

The Five Senses on a February Day

I like to walk for about an hour around my neighborhood even when it's freezing.  Only snow and rain keep me inside. So bundled with layers of clothing, plus gloves, ear muffs and a scarf up to my chin, I brave the cold.  

Here are the five senses on a brisk February day before I sit down to write.

I Hear:  
blue jays screeching 
fire engine siren screaming 
train whistle wailing 
dogs barking, snarling, and growling 
wind chimes tinkling

I Smell:  
smoke from a fireplace
the flowery scent of laundry being dried
dry cold air
damp oak leaves 

I Feel: 
a breeze sailing through my hair
wind striking my face
cold cutting through my jeans
fur-lined gloves warming my hands

I See:  
10 American flags, 8 Christmas decorations, and 6 University of Kentucky Wildcat flags
the sun peeking through thick grey clouds
a discarded beige leather sofa by the street curb
wine-colored buds trying to push out on oak trees
a cluster of emerald-green hyacinth leaves waiting for spring 

I Taste
nothing yet until dinner (pan-fried pancetta tossed with brocolini served over pasta)

Coming March 15th:  To be or not to be snappy. How witty should a query letter be? 

February 15, 2016

Tips in Choosing Titles

How do you choose a title for your story or article?  Do you have one in mind before you write the piece?  How do you know if it's a good title?

The purpose of a title is to give a reader some idea about the content of a piece.  It is the first thing that I look at when reviewing a submission for Kid's Imagination Train.  But sometimes a title may fail to promise what it plans to deliver.  For instance, several months ago I received a nonfiction submission with a title that led me to believe that the piece would be about scientists helping people in unique ways.  Instead, the article centered on inventions. The title was misleading.

Titles can be straightforward and to the point, or they can be creative and lively.  Ideally, titles should pique a reader’s interest.  In a recent submission to KIT, I received a wonderful poem titled "What do Bears do in the Rain?" The title immediately captured my attention.  An article written by Erin K. Schonauer and Jamie C. Schonauer and published in Stories for Children Magazine was titled "The Cresent's Ghostly Guests".  Makes you curious, huh? 

Here are some tips in choosing titles:

Choose a title after you have written the article. 
Keep the title short.
Use playful titles and alliteration for a very young audience. 
Use snappy titles for older children.
Create intrigue.
Read your article again and see if the title is a good fit.

Whether it's fiction or nonfiction, a title must relate to the content of the piece.  In the bear poem, we learn exactly what bears do in a downpour.  And in the ghost article, we discover where haunts occur and and why.

A good title whets a reader's appetite.  It gets them in the mood to read your work. When you choose a title that relates to the essence of a story, article or poem, you won’t disappoint your audience.  You will deliver what you have promised.

February 1, 2016

The Power of No

How do we feel when we hear the word no?  When a publisher or an agent says no (as in a rejection), it stings us temporarily.  We move on and submit again because rejections are part of the writer's life.  But how do we feel when an acquaintance or a relative tell us no?  Often, we feel miserable for quite a long while.    

People use the word no to assert themselves or to feel superior.  As a result, this little word invalidates our remarks and leaves us speechless, powerless, and crushed.  This is a form of bullying—intimidating someone verbally, through e-mails, or with text-messaging.   

Most writers have experienced rejection from a publisher or agent, but this is not a form of bullying.  It is a method that is used to convey that a submission is not up to standards. However when we deliver the perfect manuscript, that rejection can turn into an acceptance. 

On the other hand, people who habitually say no have developed a trait that can rarely be changed.  Anything we utter (or e-mail or text) will and shall be met with nope.  So, to shield ourselves from being hurt, we can focus on what we can change.  We can steer clear of toxic people.  We can politely limit contact and conversation.  Then when we do so, we can surround ourselves with people who communicate with more respect.     

Coming Feb. 15:  A post on tips for choosing titles 

January 1, 2016

A New Year’s Wish

As you know, writing for children is not easy.  We freak out when nothing comes to mind when we want to begin a new story.  We lose faith when agents and publishers reject our work.  We get sensitive over a critique member's remarks, or feel exasperated when friends or family just don't get what it takes to write for kids.

Still, we strive to create just the right story that can be told with just the right words and with just the right number of words because we love to write for kids.  

We know it's not easy, but sometimes we need a little encouragement.  

So I remind you to never give up, to believe in YOU, to know that you will succeed.

To all of my faithful readers, I wish you many days filled with the joy of writing. 

December 15, 2015

Keeping a Submission Log

Do you keep a log of your submissions?  I'm betting most writers do so.  But, I learned that some writers aren't interested in keeping records.  I was shocked.  How do writers keep track of their submissions if they are not written down or recorded?  

Keeping a submission log doesn’t have to be complicated.  A notebook or a word doc. will suffice.  List the title of your manuscript and the agents or publishers that you’ve contacted, their email addresses, and the date that you sent your submission.  You can format it anyway you like, even use color coding.  (I use orange for dates of submission, green for acceptances, and purple for rejections). 

Then in a few weeks, mark your submission to indicate if it’s been accepted and the date it will be published. You can even note the amount of payment.  If your submission was rejected, note that date, too.  When you have a record of your submissions, you will know when to follow-up if you haven’t heard back from an editor. And, with a complete list of your submissions you will be able to refer to it as you continue to submit new work.  

Keeping submission records is an important part of the writing life.  It's what writers do. Don't expect (or even ask) an editor will find your submissions.  She doesn't have the time and it’s not her job to keep track of submissions for you.  It’s your job to keep good records. 

December 1, 2015

Online Submission Forms

When it comes to submitting a children’s book manuscript, you can usually query an agent or a publisher by email.  A few publishers and agents however, have online forms that you must fill out.  Most of the time, the forms will only take a few minutes to complete.  But, some require more time and thought.  

This topic comes up because I found a publisher who requires writers to fill out an extensive online submission form.  The form consists of two parts:  an author section and a book section.  Both parts ask detailed questions.  Halfway through, I was ready to give up.  The clock was ticking away, my brain was getting numb, and I was beginning to think why bother.  Would my submission be taken seriously?  But, I continued to answer questions about hobbies, education, publications, awards, things that inspired me, and what makes a great book.  (This is just a sampling of the questions. There were many other questions that needed to be addressed).

Then, it was on to the book section.  Here, my manuscript had to be formatted as specifically described in the guidelines and uploaded.  Next, a description of the book had to be stated.  Then the hook, a quote from the book, a synopsis, and the intended audience were required.  Lastly, the publisher wanted to know why I chose to submit to them.  

All in all the entire process took a good part of an afternoon.  When I finally submitted my project and author profile, I felt proud to have completed the time-intensive form. Though there is no telling how successful my submission will be, the submission process forced me to think about my book in new ways:  how would the book be marketed, how do others feel about my book, and how strong is my platform?   

If you find a publisher that has an online form, try to read through the questionnaire before typing in answers. Judge how much time you’ll need to answer the complete form. Create thoughtful answers to the questions beforehand.  Then, don’t rush as you fill out the form.  Review your answers before you hit 'send.'  

Congratulate yourself when you’re finished.  You completed a submission form that few writers would have the patience or the time to tackle. Your dedication may pay off and you may have found a publisher who will be interested in your work. 

November 15, 2015

Riding out Rejection

Usually, I have a pretty tough skin when it comes to rejection.  After all, it is part of the writing life. But one particular rejection shook my confidence.  It happened after going to a writers' conference. I pitched my novel to an agent and he requested a partial.  Several weeks later, I sent the first three chapters of my manuscript to him.  When a couple of months passed with no response, I sent a follow up letter.  I never heard a peep from the agent.  That crushed me and made me question my writing talent.

But shortly after feeling so rock-bottom low, the unexpected happened.  I got word that my picture book story (which had been entered in three writing contests prior to the conference) had won a prize from the Tennessee Mountain Writers and an award from the Writers-Editors Network International Writing Competition.  Several weeks later, this same story also won First Place in the Juvenile Writing category presented by the Alabama Writers' Conclave.  This round of good news encouraged me, especially after reading a note from the AWC Contest Chair:  Congratulations on a nice piece.

If I've learned anything over the past twenty years, it's that being a writer has its highs and lows. When the writing life takes a dip and cruises downhill, hold on tight.  Ride out the low times—those times filled with self-doubt, those times brought on by rejection.
Try to stay positive.  Enter contests to build your confidence.  Submit your writing to magazines. Keep writing in spite of rejections. Quitting is not an option.  Know that in time, the downhill ride will soon climb to new heights.

November 1, 2015

Sources for Nonfiction

When I receive a nonfiction submission for Kid's Imagination Train, I take a glance at the resources before reading the piece.  Our guidelines suggest that writers have three sources, but I'd love to see at least five, reliable resources.

Most writers know that Wikipedia should not be included.  So, where can you find good sources?

  • Start with your library.  Check out books in the adult section, something published less than fifteen years ago.  Some children’s books may be acceptable if they have been written by an authority or a well-respected children’s writer. 

  • Use your library’s database.  If you are not sure how to use a database, ask a librarian.  In the database, you can search for your topic.  Look for newspaper stories and journal articles. 

  • Search the Internet for professional websites.  Reliable websites include university websites or scientific organizations.  

  • Hunt for primary sources.  This can include first-hand testimony or direct evidence concerning a topic under investigation created by witnesses who experienced the events or conditions being documented.  Primary sources can also include autobiographies, memoirs, and oral histories recorded later.  

  • Locate experts that have experience on your topic.  Read and study their research.  Interview the experts or have them answer a questionnaire.  

Most writers who have published in Kid's Imagination Train generally rely on library books or the Internet.  What impresses me is when writers dig a little deeper and find sources which reveal unique research.  When I see that writers have used outstanding sources, it puts in me the mood to read their work.  

October 11, 2015

The 5 Senses on a Summer Walk

The temperatures are dropping in Kentucky and we're sliding into autumn.  It's a nice break from the heat because during the summer, it was 80° at mid-morning with the humidity steadily climbing.  I walked for an hour early in the day before it got too sticky.

These are the five senses on a hot muggy summer morning before I sat down to write:

I hear:
the rattle of cicadas
the cheerful song of the cardinal
the screech of a bluejay
a neighbor saying "good morning"

I smell:
damp soil
strong fragrant lilies
sweet clover
the steamy, humid air

I feel:
a cool light breeze
the warm sun
the splash of a puddle against my leg
feathery-soft ornamental grass

I see:
American flags waving
oak leaves fluttering
a pale, washed-out blue sky
squirrels scurrying up trees
all kinds of mushrooms: creamy, fire-engine red, mousy-brown, cup-shaped

I taste:
Nothing yet until I head back for my favorite French roast coffee

October 1, 2015

Impressing an Editor

What is one of the most important steps you should take when sending a submission to an editor?  Include a proper cover letter with your submission. Whether you submit electronically or by snail mail, it's common courtesy to always include one. Sending a resume or a list of published work instead of a cover letter is inappropriate. 

The letter should be addressed to the editor.  Try to find her name under the sections About Us, Writers' Guidelines, or  Contact Us.  If you are unsuccessful, then a letter addressed 'Dear Editor' will do.      

Review your cover letter before sending it to a publisher.  Once, I received an email addressed to an editor of another publication.  Clearly, the writer didn’t proofread her cover letter.  In addition, it made me wonder if she sent the same letter to other editors along with her manuscript.  At Kid's Imagination Train, we don’t accept simultaneous submissions.  Were other editors considering this piece besides me? 

Here is a good way to craft a cover letter:

1st paragraph:  Tell the editor what you are submitting.  Give the title, the genre, and the word count of your manuscript. 

2nd paragraph:  Describe the content of the article or the plot of the story in about one to three sentences. 

3rd paragraph:  Present a short biography that includes relevant credentials and your publishing history.

4th paragraph:  Close by thanking the editor for her time.  

That's all you have to do.  Keep it short and sweet.  Remember to include your contact information.  When you write a proper cover letter, it will impress an editor.  It will show her that you are are professional and that you take submitting seriously. 

The next blog entry for CWW will be published Oct.11, rather than Oct. 15.

September 15, 2015


I’m sending my multi-award winning picture book manuscript to agents.  In the meantime, I want to begin a new book.  And I’m stuck.  On my daily walks, I try to hash out new ideas, but every idea feels forced.  Then, the summer issue of The SCBWI Bulletin arrived.  Inside was a feature about Storybird   (, a website for illustrators and writers.   

Storybird is amazing.  Whether you write picture books or graphic novels, it is the perfect place to begin. Storybird will help you to generate ideas.  You start by choosing from the artwork tags.  Say you want to write about a friendly feline.  Type in ‘cat’ and all kinds of kitty images pop up to inspire you.  Maybe you feel like creating a scary space alien story.  Type in ‘space alien’ and view an assortment of other-worldly creatures.  There are lots of categories to choose from.  Just select the art that you like and type your text into the blank pages provided to create your story.   

Even if you don't write illustrated books, Storybird may be used as a writer’s prompt.  It will get your creative juices flowing.  And with Storybird, you can even read the works of others to see how they used the art to create their stories.   

Some writers report that Storybird actually inspired stories that ended up as book deals. So it's worth having a look.  Take a peek at Storybird and join the community of writers, readers, and artists of all ages. You will not be disappointed.  The artwork is so stunning.  It’s irresistible and exciting.  It inspiring!  It may even help you hash out new ideas for your very next story.

September 1, 2015

Advertising in KIT

     How do you get the word out about a website or a book without spending a fortune?  
                       One option is to advertise in Kid’s Imagination Train (KIT).     

Taking out an ad in KIT is easy and inexpensive.  We offer two packages.  Silver sponsorship is $10/month or $100/year for a quarter of a page advertisement.  Gold sponsorship is $35/month or $300/year for a full-page advertisement.  In addition, the price includes having blurbs on social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.  And, a link to your website is placed directly on the homepage of KIT.

Writers write, but over the past years, writers also have to market their work.  That means writers must advertise to reach an audience.  To spread the word, you can post on social media or send out e-newsletters.  Another option is to pen guest posts or ask others to link to your website.

With books, most publishing houses will do some advertising for you.  But a lot of the marketing will fall on you unless you are with a major publishing house.  Some writers hire a publicist or invest in a virtual book tour; however, both charge hundreds of dollars.  

Rather than paying others to promote their work, many writers do bookstore promotions. Some writers spread the word about their books and make money by doing school visits. Yet, both of these plans usually involve some travel.

Another way to get the word out about your book or website is to take out an ad in a magazine.  Most print magazines and even online magazines charge hundreds of dollars a week for an advertisement.  Check out the typical rates of The Enviromental Magazine: 
Using KIT is a smart way to advertise.  And it’s not limited to writers.  In fact, some people have a product or a service they want to share with the world. 

Those who advertise on KIT know that they will reach thousands of folks each month from our website and through social media.  The best thing about going with KIT is you don’t have to break the bank to take out an advertisement.  So why not explore this option for a few months?  See if advertising with KIT helps spread the news about you.   

August 15, 2015

The 5 Senses on an August day

Sometimes Lexington, Kentucky is just too darn hot to enjoy the outdoors unless you're at a pool.  But when the humidity drops, it's nice to go outside.  This is when I head to the deck.

On one side of the deck, a big birch tree screens our neighbor's driveway and backyard.  The opposite side overlooks a beautiful garden that has flowers which bloom from early spring to fall.  A row of arborvitae forms a tall green hedge against the back side of our property.  In the back corner of the yard, a thirty-foot Colorado fir tree blocks out the sight of townhouses.  Despite living in suburbia, our backyard is fairly private and quiet.

This afternoon, it's pleasant enough to sit outside on the deck and write at the table. I open the umbrella, scoot the plants to the side and open my notebook.  These are the five senses as I sit down to write.

I see:
robins eating flaming-red seeds from cones of star magnolia trees
a small black and white flicker woodpecker climbing a pole and perching on a suet feeder
hummingbirds diving at one another and taking turns sipping from a sugar-water feeder

I feel:
a light breeze
the soft rattan-woven chair seat
the warm wooden deck beneath my feet
the smooth tile table top
the cool moist clay flower pots

I hear:
chickens (yes, my neighbor has three of them) clucking and squawking
cicadas buzzing and holding notes impossibly long
the water fountain splashing and gurgling

I taste:
warm Seattle coffee slightly sweetened

I smell:
a dampness that hangs in the air after days of rain
chicken marinated in balsamic vinegar, brown sugar and dijon mustard cooking on the grill (ahhh...supper will be ready soon)